Learning Strategy




Fixed Fee Offers

High value offers with predictable costs for budget conscious organizations.




Clever Partners: L&D Advisory Package

Two heads are better than one – Collaborative consulting and coaching for the Learning & Development leader who is committed to delivering strategic value to the business but has little time to think.

If you find yourself fighting for a seat at the table or wish you had a guide to help navigate complex situations, this package is for you. Your learning strategist is your coach and thought partner to deliver exceptional results.


  • Free 2-hour partnership building and objectives-setting session.
  • Weekly 1-hour coaching/strategic partnership meetings (custom, structured format based on desired objectives).
  • Unlimited access via phone, e-mail, text, or direct message for questions.
  • Secure, private workspace to communicate and collaborate with your L&D coach.
  • Additional 5 hours per week for your coach to complete advisory-related tasks such as: observe/participate in team meetings, conduct research, provide feedback on work/presentations, additional planning/discussion time, etc.
  • Optional add-on (recommended for first-time clients): Rapid assessment of the current and desired situation (includes interviews with the core L&D team and 3-4 select partners/customers; high-level review of the current learning program; findings and recommendations report-out meeting).

Key Benefits

  • Further develop your purpose and point of view as a learning leader.
  • Transform from service leader to thought leader and strategic partner to the business.
  • Develop strategic plans to sharpen the value of your organization’s learning program.
  • Troubleshoot obstacles that get in the way of adding organizational value through learning.

Tip: Client partners may find it helpful to focus their package on a specific topic or development need, such as: strengthening client partnerships, team leadership and effectiveness, L&D strategy and governance, advancing L&D capability, course design/development/delivery/administration, etc. This is your time to shape.

Ideal for…

  • CLO
  • L&D Directors
  • Functional Training
  • Managers


3-, 6-, or 12-month packages


Fixed fee. Contact us for pricing.

Free 30-min. Consult



Clever View: Learning Needs Assessment

Know where you need to go – in-depth learning needs assessment to zero-in on mission-critical capabilities and high-impact learning strategies that can lift results.

This package is intended to sharpen L&D’s ability to make informed, strategic decisions. You will gain robust insight into the business’ learning needs and learn how to leverage this information to improve business partnerships and L&D’s project prioritization, learning design, and resource allocation.


  • An L&D needs assessment that evaluates:
    • Mission-critical roles and capabilities (at the role, function, or enterprise-wide levels).
    • Critical learning influencers, such as: learner needs, workplace environment, knowledge and content management system, strategic business environment.
    • (Optional) L&D departmental maturity level and overall health – a review of L&D objectives and the efficiency/effectiveness of: the current curricula, learning technology, learning and development experience, L&D administration, L&D roles and responsibilities, and L&D budget allocations.
  • Findings & Recommendations Report to guide detailed learning design and development and continuous improvement of L&D.

Key Benefits

  • Gain clarity of purpose and direction in L&D efforts.
  • Focus L&D development and administration dollars on the most value-added activities.
  • Deepen the L&D team’s understanding of business and learner needs.
  • Strengthen L&D’s position as a strategic business partner.
  • Identify and strategically prioritize continuous improvement efforts.

Ideal for…

  • Organizations that are adding or modifying functional roles and responsibilities.
  • Organizations that seek to build an L&D department and that want to maximize their L&D ROI.
  • Organizations in need of improved performance results.


2- to 6-weeks
(dependent on scope and client availability)


Fixed fee. Contact us for pricing.

Free 30-min. Consult



Clever Journey: Strategic Learning Design

Make your L&D efforts stick – rapid learning experience design to maximize engagement, retention, and high performance – for organizations that want to make the most of their money and learning strategies.

The most effective design factors in learner needs and workplace requirements and blends a number of different modalities and access points to accelerate understanding, application, and on-the-job action. Let us design an experience for your organization that learners and the business will love.


In just two to three weeks, you’ll get…

  • Rapid assessment of current curricula, learning environment, learner needs, workplace environment, and L&D administrative needs (as related to project focus).
  • Performance-focused strategic learning journey that can:
    • Creatively engage learners,
    • Accelerate learning and speed-to-productivity,
    • Deliver measurable performance, and
    • Adjust to L&D budget and administrative demands.
  • L&D “flight plan” to guide the detailed design, development, and ongoing administration of the learning journey.

Key Benefits

  • Engage learners in a dynamic experience that inspires high performance.
  • Maximize the ROI of your learning program.
  • Elevate the credibility and value of the L&D team through strategic learning design.
  • Focus L&D development and administration dollars on the most value-added activities.
  • Enhance L&D team competency via efficient project knowledge transfer.

Ideal for…

  • Organizations needing a learning solution that will lead to performance results.
  • Organizations that are willing to support creative, performance-focused learning experiences.


2- to 3-weeks
(dependent on scope and client availability)


Fixed fee. Contact us for pricing.

Free 30-min. Consult



Clever Navigation: Learning Delivery & Administration

Be the captain of your ship and let us pilot the boat – fixed fee learning delivery and administration services to drive consistency and value in the learning experience.

If your team resources are stretched thin trying to develop new training and to stay on top of existing curricula, let us help. Identify your most important learning programs or administrative needs, and we’ll manage their administration so you can focus on more strategic and pressing needs. We’ll partner with you to establish scope, roles and responsibilities, quality metrics, and regular program governance, for one all-inclusive-price.


  • Dedicated, value-driven L&D expert
    • Proficient in project management, delivery/facilitation and program governance.
    • Facilitates and monitors the learning experience to drive engagement and performance.
  • Weekly program governance and reporting.
  • Unlimited access via phone, e-mail, text, or direct message for questions.
  • Advocate for learners.

Key Benefits

  • Supportive learner experience.
  • Consistent delivery and high-quality facilitation.
  • Systematic program governance.
  • Regular feedback on program effectiveness.
  • Collaborative partner for continuous improvement.
  • Fixed, predictable program administration cost.

Ideal for L&D teams that…

  • Are resource scarce.
  • Have learning programs that require skilled facilitation and consistent moderation.
  • Have a limited budget and need cost predictability.


1-year license.


Fixed fee, TBD based on needs. Contact us for a free consultation and scoping meeting.

Free 30-min. Consult